Saturday, 6 February 2016

medication research

"Aripiprazole is used to treat the psychiatric disorders schizophrenia and mania.It is used to treat adults who have schizophrenia which is a disease characterised by symptoms such as hearing, seeing or sensing things which are not there, suspiciousness, mistaken beliefs, speech that cannot be understood, flatness in behaviour and emotions, feeling depressed, guilty, anxious or tense. It is also used to treat mania a condition with symptoms such as feeling high, having excessive amounts of energy, needing much less sleep than usual, talking very quickly with racing ideas, sometimes with severe irritability. Aripiprazole can also be used long term to stabilise mood and prevent further manic episodes in patients who have already responded to aripiprazole." 

The meaning of schizophrenia in my eyes is a psychological disorder that effects the chemical reactions within the brain. This causes a variety of effects of hearing,seeing and sensing things that are not there, they are a figure of the imagination. This medication particularly treats mania and having extreme amounts of energy. This drug is a long term use for stabilizing moods and stop manic episodes from getting worse. 

This is the medication that will be represented in the scene which is used to repress the effects of schizophrenia. We have done research in order to replicate the right medication that would be used for someone who is actually suffering from the condition.  

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